“Predators: The Balance of Nature” – a program by Chewonki

<strong><a href="https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TXggChZwSFinhZAiI0VsOA">Register</a></strong> Scary, disgusting, wicked, vicious: predators have a rough reputation in our society. Chewonki’s program, “Predators: The Balance of Nature,” explores the many commonly held myths about predators and works to dispel them. Highlighting the remarkable adaptations that help predators find and consume their prey, the presentation will engage participants with a vivid slideshow […]


Saving Seabirds: New Lessons From Puffins Speaker: Dr. Stephen W. Kress

Register Worldwide, about one third of all seabird species are now globally threatened because of effects of invasive predatory mammals, marine pollution, coastal development and effects of climate change. Against this grim background, Dr. Kress’s presentation about the restoration of Maine seabirds offers hope and inspiration that people also have the capacity to bring seabirds […]


Peregrine Falcon restoration in Acadia National Park and Highlights of the Cadillac Mountain Hawk Watch Speaker: Ranger Patrick Kark

Register As one of the first locations chosen to recover peregrine falcons, Acadia National Park has a storied history in the recovery of peregrine falcons. Join Ranger Patrick Kark as he discusses the success of the recovery project within the park and the reach Acadia’s falcons have had far outside Acadia’s borders. Acadia also hosts […]

What You Should Know About the Threat of Aquatic Invaders in Maine – Speaker: Roberta Hill

What makes an organism invasive? What threats do invasive organisms pose to Maine’s native ecosystems? How do invasive aquatic species impact humans? What are the drivers behind introduction of invaders to Maine and the vectors exacerbating their spread within the state? What are some of the invasive species we are most concerned about here in […]


Ethical Questions for the Outdoor Naturalist – Speaker: Doug Hitchcox

Birding, and other wildlife observing, provides an intimate connection to nature that makes us better stewards of the environment and even provides us with wellness and mental health benefits, but through our pursuits, are we doing more harm than good? In this program, Maine Audubon’s Staff Naturalist, Doug Hitchcox, will talk about many of the […]


Unique Characteristics of Trees – Speaker: Patty Cormier

Thomas Auditorium, Preble Hall, UMF 173 High Street, Farmington, Maine

Why do trees have individual characteristics? Why is some bark smooth and some rough? Some light colored and some dark? Why are some leaves lobed and some smooth along the edges? Patty Cormier will answer many of these questions and more. This is, she says, one of her favorite topics. Patty Cormier was appointed as […]


Invasive Plants in Maine by Hunter Manley

Lincoln Auditorium, Roberts Learning Center, UMF

Hunter will be discussing invasive plants in Maine with a focus on their impact on wildlife and forestry. The growing prevalence of any of these species threatens the health of their host ecosystem, so identifying them early and planning for treatment is essential for maintaining productive habitat and forests. For the most common invasive plants […]


Gardening to Please the Birds and the Bees by Gary Fish

Classroom 101, Roberts Learning Center, UMF Farmington, ME, United States

If you have read Dr. Doug Tallamy’s books Nature’s Best Hope, Bringing Nature home and The Living Landscape you understand the importance of incorporating native plants into our landscapes. Many of our gardens are filled with plants from Asian and Europe which our native insects do not recognize as food sources. The lack of these […]


Annual Warbler Bird Walk

Whistle Stop Trail Farmington

Whistle Stop Trail, 7 AM, May 7th, rain or shine. Meet in the parking lot at the trail head across the street from the West Farmington Post Office. Drive in a short distance to find the parking area. This year lead by Nick Leadley, wild life photographer and accomplished birder
