Spring Warbler Walk: “Birds and Bagels”
Whistle Stop Trail FarmingtonThe walk will be at the Whistle Stop Trail in Farmington, on Saturday, May 18th, at 8:00 AM, rain or shine. Nick Leadley to lead the walk again this year. […]
A Chapter of Maine Audubon
The walk will be at the Whistle Stop Trail in Farmington, on Saturday, May 18th, at 8:00 AM, rain or shine. Nick Leadley to lead the walk again this year. […]
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83338511126 Speaker: Nick Lund Maine Audubon’s Nick Lund will cover the organization’s legislative victories for the 131st Maine Legislature, includ ing issues like endangered species, native plants, bird-safe […]
Variegated Flycatcher Zoom: Available for people not able to attend in person. Link: Click Here Speaker - Herb Wilson Finding a bird out of its normal range is always an […]
Zoom: Available for people not able to attend in person. Link: Click Here Speakers: Dr. Rachel Hovel and Dr. Julia Daly High-elevation lakes in the northern Appalachian Mountains are unique […]
Note: This event is online-only, please register to receive details about how to join prior to the event. The shorebirds - sandpipers, plovers, and their kin - are beautiful, but […]
Investigating causes of forest bird declines with Maine commercial forests as a case study Forest birds have declined steeply in North America over the last 50 years, and there are […]
Investigating causes of forest bird declines with Maine commercial forests as a case study Forest birds have declined steeply in North America over the last 50 years, and there are […]
As climate change continues to wreak havoc on Maine's lands and wildlife, we must look towards the development of local, clean renewables. Offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine holds […]
Our Annual Spring Warbler Walk will take place at the Whistle Stop Trail in Farmington, 8am. We will provide doughnuts and coffee.