Snow Birds: Following our Winged Friends in Winter – Dr. Sally Stockwell

Thomas Auditorium, Preble Hall, UMF 173 High Street, Farmington, Maine

Snow Bunting - Photo credit - Nick Leadley This has been rescheduled from 11/9. Dr. Ron Butler will give his talk on lichens now on 11/9. Are you a snowbird? Do you head south during the winter in search of sunny, warm weather with plentiful fresh local fruits and vegetables? Just like human snowbirds, many […]


Maine Lichens – Dr. Ronald Butler

Thomas Auditorium, Preble Hall, UMF 173 High Street, Farmington, Maine

Photo Credit - Dr.Butler This talk was rescheduled from 10/12 This presentation will provide a general overview of the evolution, morphology, and physiology of lichens. The ecological role of lichens in terrestrial ecosystems with be discussed, and the uses of lichens by animals (including humans) will be explored. A brief survey of some common Maine […]


Great Blue Herons in Maine – Speaker: Danielle D’Auria

Thomas Auditorium, Preble Hall, UMF 173 High Street, Farmington, Maine

Phote Credit _SherrieTucker Speaker: Danielle D’Auria Did you ever wonder where Maine’s Great Blue Herons go in winter, and what path they travel to get there? Since 2016, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife has deployed lightweight GPS tracking devices on Great Blue Herons to follow their movements during nesting, migration, and wintering. This […]


The State of Maine’s Lakes and What You Can Do To Help – Speaker: Susan Gallo

Thomas Auditorium, Preble Hall, UMF 173 High Street, Farmington, Maine

Photo Credit shutterstock_1445166614. Maine has over 2,500 Great Ponds. The vast majority of them are in great shape, due in large part to strong shoreland zoning laws that protect fragile lakeside habitat and to motivated homeowners who work to make sure their properties protect lakes. However, many of Maine’s lakes are at risk of losing […]


Annual Warbler Walk

Whistle Stop Trail Farmington

Join us for this AM walk led by Nick Leadley ( on the Whistle Stop Trail


Butterflies of Maine

North Dining Hall, UMF

The Distribution and Ecology of the Butterflies of Maine This talk will center around the findings presented in the Butterflies of Maine and Maritime Provinces, to be published this fall by the Cornell University Press. This publication is based on a citizen-science project (the Maine Butterfly Survey or MBS) with field work conducted between 2003 […]


Owls of Maine and the Maine Owl Pellet Project

Thomas Auditorium, Preble Hall, UMF 173 High Street, Farmington, Maine

Speaker: Zach Olson The Maine Owl Pellet Project (MOPP) is a collaboration between the University of New England, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service that aims to engage the public and promote crowdsourced science to better understand the diet of Maine’s owls and the distribution […]


Rising Seas and Warming Waters: climate stresses to Gulf of Maine marine species

Thomas Auditorium, Preble Hall, UMF 173 High Street, Farmington, Maine

Speakers: Dr Hannah Baranes, and Andrew Allyn The Gulf of Maine has one of the most biologically productive marine ecosystems in the world. It is also warming faster than 96% of the world’s oceans and experiencing rates of sea level rise higher than the global average. These changes place numerous stresses on Gulf of Maine […]


Wildlife Tracking in Maine

Thomas Auditorium, Preble Hall, UMF 173 High Street, Farmington, Maine

Speaker: Charles Hulsey (Chuck) Chuck will share wildlife tracking and species ID tips and techniques that he has used over the years while doing winter wildlife tracking surveys for lynx, bobcat, pine marten, and fisher. These techniques allow for accurate identification of the owner’s tracks, even if of poor quality, which is commonly the case. […]
